Wrapping up TD Tuesdays

Posted on April 24th, 2012 by Mark "Spike" Liu
It's been a fun ride, but we are out of TD Tuesdays articles and we are officially bringing this series to a close. 

We'd like to thank all of the tournament directors out there who put a great deal of time and effort into writing useful articles to share with the world. We believe that these articles taken together provide a wealth of knowledge to the small but crucial Ultimate tournament director community. We hope you feel proud of yourselves for continuing to contribute to this growing ecosystem that will always be at the heart of our sport.

To the rest of the TD community out there, we want to thank you for supporting this series. You've done a great job spreading the word, and it is a pleasure talking to so many of you about what your needs are. We know there are a number of other TDs out there who wish they could have contributed advice but simply did not have time in their busy schedules or felt like they were too inexperienced to contribute something useful. We understand your situations and are just happy you are working so hard to put on amazing events. We speak for the entire Ultimate community when we say: Thank you.

Here are all of the articles you have written over the past several months:
Even though this TD Tuesdays series is over, we would still be more than happy to post additional articles if any of you have the desire to write more. Regardless of when we receive them, we'll still post them on Tuesdays and we will still send them out to the entire TD email list. Just contact Mark (mark@leaguevine.com) if you'd like to do this. In addition to these articles, we will still occasionally write blog posts targeted at making your tournament directing endeavors easier. We are rapidly building out more features on Leaguevine to assist you at your events and we will try to keep you up to date with what tools are available to you.

Thanks again for tuning in, and good luck with all your tournaments this year!
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