Leaguevine is an online community of non-professional athletes. You can create an account for free, and create your own personalized sports profile. This site is all about you, and we give you a place to put your sports life online.
You can create your own team pages, add your games, and interact with your teammates and friends around this content. If you have friends or teammates on Leaguevine, you can choose to follow their updates, turning your homepage into a curated news feed of interesting and relevant non-professional sports information. You are free to organize events on Leaguevine as well by creating tournaments and/or leagues.
If you play Ultimate Frisbee, you can use our Ultimate Stat Taker to easily record statistics for your games. Other users can follow along with these stats in real time, either from a desktop browser or from their smartphone. We are building stat takers for other sports as well. Please voice your opinion about which sports you want stats for in our community feedback area.
All our basic features are completely free and always will be, so go ahead and try taking stats the next time you play.
This site started as a small passion project in October 2010 by Mark Liu and in August 2011 he partnered with Roger Wang to transform it into a full-time business. We'll take a moment here to reflect on our journey so far.
In May of 2010, Mark was spectating and volunteering at the USAU College National Championships in Madison, WI. As a spectator, he hopped on the Twitter bandwagon and attempted to provide Twitter updates for every point in every game he watched. While some people appreciated the effort, he realized that these updates were incredibly low quality compared to the updates other sports receive. He set out with a passion to make it better, and this fire has only grown stronger.
The first version of Leaguevine was simple. You could log in and associate a Twitter account with a Team, and then every game that team played in would show all of the Tweets that team had during the course of the game. People seemed to like this and tons of teams began creating Twitter accounts. We collected over 50,000 in-game Tweets during the first year.
However, we weren't satisfied.
Sure, the Twitter thing was a small improvement on the old system of following everyone via Twitter, but in reality our site wasn't giving users any new information they couldn't get elsewhere. It was just making things easier to consume. We spoke to countless users and surveyed even more and found that Twitter isn't the best way to make a dent in amateur sports coverage or to make playing sports more fun. Statistics are.
We're committed to making it incredibly easy for you to record statistics for your own games and follow statistics for teams or players you care about. We only have Ultimate Frisbee statistics at the moment, but we are building similar systems for other sports and you should voice your opinion for why we should concentrate on your sport in our forums. In the meantime, we still have some awesome team functionality so you can still add your teams and games and interact with your teammates.
Our Ultimate Frisbee statistics are extremely versatile and we realize many of you have different reasons for using them. Some of you are on competitive teams and are using statistics to improve your team's level of play by tracking advanced stats like Offensive +/-. Some of you are helping run leagues and want to provide a higher level of engagement and excitement to your fans. Some of you are on recreational teams and are just having some fun with stats.
Regardless of why people are taking stats, every game tracked helps improve non-professional sports coverage and creates compelling storylines that even non-players can engage with. For instance, the Jeremy Lin storyline wouldn't have been half as interesting if the NBA did not have detailed statistics. Every news outlet was spewing off facts like "No NBA player has scored more points through his first 6 starts than Jeremy Lin". We believe stats will help to create a diehard fan base for any league or team, and we hope to make taking these stats a really fun experience.
Just create an account, add any teams, rosters, and games you wish to record stats for, and then take stats from your smartphone at the fields using Leaguevine-Ultistats. As you record what happens, stats will show up automatically on our website so you will always have a history of what happened. If you realize later that you messed something up, feel free to edit the play-by-play.
Please visit our FAQ page which tries to help you get to know Leaguevine even better. We will also be maintaining a blog to give updates every now and then about Leaguevine. You can get notified about these updates by following us on twitter or facebook. Lastly, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time either through our feedback page or by emailing Mark directly at mark@leaguevine.com. Thanks for stopping by, and we'd genuinely appreciate it if you tell your friends about us.