To kick things off, two large Ultimate tournaments this weekend will be using Leaguevine Mobile for their score reporting. You can follow along with the live updates from Easterns or Steakfest either from your home browser or from Leaguevine Mobile. If the players at this tournament actively report their updates (and we really hope they do!) then we could see some of the best and most easily available Ultimate updates ever. Many of you players and tournament directors have been calling for a Mobile app to take care of this real time reporting, so we hope that Leaguevine Mobile lives up to your expectations!
So, what exactly does Leaguevine Mobile do? We have a bunch of information on our site at but the best way to learn about its capabilities is just to play with it yourself. Even if you do not currently have a smart phone, you can still visit it in a regular web browser and get the same experience. Basically, the web app allows you to update game scores, and since Leaguevine and Leaguevine Mobile are synced, everyone at home or at the fields will see your update immediately. Further, you can optionally have these updates posted to Twitter so you can kill two birds with one stone - reporting official score updates, and informing your fans.
If you would like to have this kind of functionality at your next tournament, you are free to create an account on and simply enter the team and game information for your tournament. It takes just a few minutes and will allow all of the players at your tournament to have access to real time score updates from all the fields, assuming you tell other teams to use it too.
We hope you enjoy this major addition to Leaguevine and please tell your friends about it!