Game Time: 12:00 p.m. Saturday, April 21, 2018
Location: Field 4 - Huff East
Timezone: US/Central

Team stats for the game
Team Comp Throws Comp % Ds TO TA Drops
Thor's Hammer (Mike) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Team 6 (Paul) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Team 6 (Paul) Player Stats
Player PT Comp Throws Comp % GLS AST Ds TO OPT DPT OEff DEff
Thor's Hammer (Mike) Player Stats
Player PT Comp Throws Comp % GLS AST Ds TO OPT DPT OEff DEff
Score Updates
Team Score Team Comment User Submit Time
Team 6 (Paul) 9 - 12
Thor's Hammer (Mike) Michael Ponte 9:19am
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