Play by Play
Time Catchup Graz Score #12
20:56:38 End of period
20:56:27 End of period
20:56:19 End of period
20:56:10 End of period
20:55:45 Rich Bartle-Tubbs threw a score. Pass was caught by Rich Bartle-Tubbs 2 - 0
20:55:38 Graf Kuhnenfeld threw a complete pass to Rich Bartle-Tubbs 1 - 0
20:55:27 katrina nesper threw a complete pass to Graf Kuhnenfeld 1 - 0
20:55:24 Graf Kuhnenfeld threw a complete pass to katrina nesper 1 - 0
20:55:21 katrina nesper threw a complete pass to Graf Kuhnenfeld 1 - 0
20:55:18 katrina nesper picked up the disc 1 - 0
20:55:08 1 - 0 unknown threw an incomplete pass. Pass was defended by katrina nesper
20:55:02 1 - 0 unknown picked up the disc
20:55:00 Graf Kuhnenfeld pulled 1 - 0
20:54:54 Sebastian Bauer, Sigi Psutka, Valentin Vogl, Yannick Steinkellner, Rich Bartle-Tubbs, Graf Kuhnenfeld and katrina nesper were substituted in 1 - 0
20:54:34 unknown threw a score. Pass was caught by unknown 1 - 0
20:54:29 unknown threw a complete pass to unknown 0 - 0
20:54:25 unknown threw a complete pass to unknown 0 - 0
20:54:23 unknown picked up the disc 0 - 0
20:54:20 0 - 0 unknown threw the disc away
20:54:15 unknown threw an incomplete pass. Pass was defended by unknown 0 - 0
20:54:08 unknown picked up the disc 0 - 0
20:54:02 0 - 0 unknown pulled
3:36:51 Sigi Psutka, Christoph Schitter, Flo Moik, Andreas Kuhn, johnny pete, Leander Khil and katrina nesper were substituted in 0 - 0
2:03:55 0 - 0 unknown picked up the disc
2:03:54 unknown threw an incomplete pass. Pass was defended by unknown 0 - 0
2:03:14 Michi Schwarz, Sigi Psutka, Jan Bobinec, Michi Gaisl, Flo Moik, Andreas Kuhn and Leander Khil were substituted in 0 - 0