

Twitter Accounts for this Team
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Tweets for this Team
@nightlockult   Friday November 2nd, 2012, 10:09 p.m. Retweet
@prideofny Fine choice of dolphin positioning...
@nightlockult   Wednesday October 31st, 2012, 11:39 p.m. Retweet
One Nightlock car was REALLY late to the airport, so we called a friend (thanks Alicia!) and asked her to print...
@nightlockult   Wednesday October 31st, 2012, 11:11 p.m. Retweet
I posted 71 photos on Facebook in the album "Nationals 2012!"
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 9:25 p.m. Retweet
Want to look as sick as KATNISS EVERDEEN?? We thought so. Send gear orders to by Nov 17th.
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 9:00 p.m. Retweet
HOLY CRAP, A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE OUR JERSEYS THIS WEEKEND. (you guys are the BEST!) We're collecting orders for...
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 8:45 p.m. Retweet
"...we’re betting that this first year team comes out of the weekend having had more fun than wins." - Skyd...
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 7:45 p.m. Retweet
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream! Congrats to @furyultimate Champs!
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 7:40 p.m. Retweet
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream!...
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 4:31 a.m. Retweet
"My eyelids are so happy" - katie barry, almost home from the airport
@nightlockult   Tuesday October 30th, 2012, 4:15 a.m. Retweet
A HUGE thanks to Alicia of @furyultimate for printing & then hiding our boarding passes in a Wine Spectator magazine at the airport for us!
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 6:34 p.m. Retweet
VERY late to airport. Friends have printed our boarding passes & hidden them in a Wine Spectator magazine. #pleasedontbuythatmagazine
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 6:20 p.m. Retweet
Is anyone at TPA in the US Airways terminal who could help us out by printing some boarding passes? We're running a little late...
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 5:20 p.m. Retweet
SunniBunni, "the ten minute spa for your tummy!"
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 4:38 p.m. Retweet
Also losing our shit. #cryingaboutsegways
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 4:34 p.m. Retweet
At lunch and the waiter comes over trying to sell us "the best margaritas in town". Abby responds, "no thanks, but do you have pedialyte?"
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 4:08 p.m. Retweet
Returning our van. #sketchy #wherearewe #randomemptyparkinglot
@nightlockult   Monday October 29th, 2012, 4:46 a.m. Retweet
First to return from the deck. Door to the condo is wide open. #typical
@nightlockult   Sunday October 28th, 2012, 6:40 p.m. Retweet
Jit, to Bubb: "You can do anything a man can do. You are a strong, independent woman." #sheeitjeeitsays
@nightlockult   Sunday October 28th, 2012, 6:06 a.m. Retweet
we STARTED the dance party at the deck. Now gradually making our way home after a great night of dancing, singing, smiling, & nightloving.
@nightlockult   Sunday October 28th, 2012, 12:15 a.m. Retweet
Yeah you are! RT @Hoisty35: Traded for a night lock jersey #lookinggood #nationals @nightlockult
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 10:38 p.m. Retweet
Turns out katniss has other talents! #grillin
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 10:30 p.m. Retweet
Shout out to @HotMetalUltimte for saluting us on our warmup run today!
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 9:23 p.m. Retweet
Watch "Swishy, fishy, no face, dance! - kate" on YouTube -
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 9:22 p.m. Retweet
Watch "Swishy, swishy, no face - pebbles" on YouTube -
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 8:51 p.m. Retweet
Ballroom dancing in Publix. Bakery man comes out & says "I cant pay you for your dancing but I can offer you cookies"
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 8:19 p.m. Retweet
Go haymitch!! RT @USAUltimate: The 2012 Masters division final is underway between @SurlyUltimate & Boneyard in 2010 finals rematch
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 8:17 p.m. Retweet
Love you. RT @HeistUltimate: SpdifkfywjdH. Uudfisff
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 6:10 p.m. Retweet
Lost on universe to @traffic_ulti after a come back. Great season of Nightlock ultimate! #nightlove
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 4:34 p.m. Retweet
Down 8-5 to traffic. Last half of the season, let's gooooooo!!!!
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 3:26 p.m. Retweet
Beat brute 10-7! Traffic next. Playing for 9th!
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 3:26 p.m. Retweet
Just took @100percentBS 10-7. 2 more halves of Nightlock Ultimate! Let's GOOOOO! Up against @traffic_ulti next.
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 3:05 p.m. Retweet
Silly peri showed up wearing all her brute squad stuff, so we covered her with nightlock stickers.
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 2:57 p.m. Retweet
Up 8-6 on brute squad at half!
@nightlockult   Saturday October 27th, 2012, 2:20 a.m. Retweet
This is awesome! The exclamation point is by far the best part. RT @ScandalUltimate: More fun on the beach!
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