LZ Viper


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Tweets for this Team
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 18th, 2015, 8:40 p.m. Retweet
My defense sucks. Need to improve if I want to make a difference.
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 18th, 2015, 7:43 p.m. Retweet
RT @mojoOJO126: Numbers don't lie
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 18th, 2015, 6:54 p.m. Retweet
@UofIowaUltimate but most importantly what did the stats look like!?
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 18th, 2015, 12:03 a.m. Retweet
@UofIowaUltimate I just didn't realize Tyler was racking up the stats today c
@changeurbangz   Friday October 16th, 2015, 6:08 p.m. Retweet
You guys ever get fucked up and do the laundry?
@changeurbangz   Friday October 16th, 2015, 1:09 a.m. Retweet
Lost the scrimmage. Thanks Obama.
@changeurbangz   Thursday October 15th, 2015, 8:39 p.m. Retweet
It can't be explained, it can't be talked about. It has to be felt.
@changeurbangz   Wednesday October 14th, 2015, 10:51 p.m. Retweet
β€œLife can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” -Kierkegaard
@changeurbangz   Wednesday October 14th, 2015, 2:14 a.m. Retweet
Play smart, play aggressive, play tough. #TheMotto
@changeurbangz   Tuesday October 13th, 2015, 5:46 a.m. Retweet
@PupsofConflict @bamasecs @USAUltimate "listen to him!! He's a partially certified observer!"
@changeurbangz   Tuesday October 13th, 2015, 5:45 a.m. Retweet
@PupsofConflict @bamasecs @USAUltimate love the partial cert idea. Also love the jokes that would come with it.
@changeurbangz   Tuesday October 13th, 2015, 4:54 a.m. Retweet
"but Johnny Bravo is can make that claim because of Lance." Thanks Ultiworld.
@changeurbangz   Monday October 12th, 2015, 7:44 p.m. Retweet
Just got off the elevator with a woman who seemed considerably confused about the whole process.
@changeurbangz   Monday October 12th, 2015, 7:23 p.m. Retweet
Ever try to sing along to a song you've never heard before?
@changeurbangz   Monday October 12th, 2015, 2:11 a.m. Retweet
.@DomPeluso I changed the game with my spooky walk.
@changeurbangz   Monday October 12th, 2015, 1:00 a.m. Retweet
Winning never gets old, losing never gets easy.
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 11th, 2015, 11:15 p.m. Retweet
"I'd way rather do this than cross country!" #ShitRookiesSay
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 11th, 2015, 7:12 p.m. Retweet
Last year we had motivating moments but didn't use them to fuel an increase in work or talent. We can do that this year. Ok that's all.
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 11th, 2015, 7:12 p.m. Retweet
I felt very good today. Played good d, felt really good in the air, and with the disc in my hands. Head on straight unlike end of yesterday.
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 11th, 2015, 7:11 p.m. Retweet
Our rookies are actually sick. Bright future. Everybody improved from last year.
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 11th, 2015, 7:10 p.m. Retweet
Personal thoughts on tournament : we haven't lost anything from last year, we haven't gained anything. Have to fight upstream to get better.
@changeurbangz   Saturday October 10th, 2015, 1:50 a.m. Retweet
@ZerksUltimate 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 you guys are so great.
@changeurbangz   Friday October 9th, 2015, 11:58 p.m. Retweet
"Worm, are we gonna win this tournament?" "Yeah, we are."
@changeurbangz   Friday October 9th, 2015, 11:46 p.m. Retweet
Something I'll never stop thinking about : @seebuchs telling me that it's weird that humans can feel acceleration but not speed.
@changeurbangz   Friday October 9th, 2015, 10:56 p.m. Retweet
RT @sskylark: you can't expect me to live my life like this. it's like asking an ice road trucker to truck across a normal road
@changeurbangz   Thursday October 8th, 2015, 10:02 p.m. Retweet
RT @cspratt23: Ah the new school year, aka a time for a bunch of new faces to look at me as if they've never seen a tall person before
@changeurbangz   Thursday October 8th, 2015, 9:39 p.m. Retweet
While I enjoyed this tweet, it's saying that prequarters isn't = the moon landing... https://t.co/eAZq8uOeDk
@changeurbangz   Thursday October 8th, 2015, 7:52 p.m. Retweet
.@BrinnReno if you don't think blade throws can be good you should watch this https://t.co/GKm13TADmf
@changeurbangz   Thursday October 8th, 2015, 3:23 p.m. Retweet
Throwing yesterday confirmed I don't have blades like @JohnnyBansfield ... But I'm getting there.
@changeurbangz   Thursday October 8th, 2015, 1:58 a.m. Retweet
RT @Misslisuh: Becoming is better than being
@changeurbangz   Wednesday October 7th, 2015, 11:56 p.m. Retweet
My life is GroupMe now #ultiproblems @UltiProblems
@changeurbangz   Wednesday October 7th, 2015, 9:11 p.m. Retweet
When you're trying to tell people about your offhand scoober http://t.co/F5V9UKSnh1
@changeurbangz   Wednesday October 7th, 2015, 8:33 p.m. Retweet
One of the most important parts of being a professor is to make sure you always talk about data as a plural.
@changeurbangz   Tuesday October 6th, 2015, 2:12 a.m. Retweet
@1Duck1Love that's fucking sick
@changeurbangz   Monday October 5th, 2015, 11:23 p.m. Retweet
While I'm at it, I'm sick and tired of playing Cat's Cradle with my ear buds every time I take them out of my pocket. Step it up, America.
@changeurbangz   Monday October 5th, 2015, 11:17 p.m. Retweet
As a society, we need to stop hating on Mondays and recognize the true worst part of the week : Sunday evenings.
@changeurbangz   Monday October 5th, 2015, 12:33 a.m. Retweet
RT @Twitch: Eight Players. One Champion. The stacked #BigHouse5 #Melee Top 8 begins NOW. Get in here! http://t.co/xnpC30Cvx8 http://t.co…
@changeurbangz   Sunday October 4th, 2015, 10:03 p.m. Retweet
"Yeah, my name is Dakota, my brother's name is Montana, and my oldest brother's name is Shaun."
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